Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Next Food Network Star

No, I'm not really going to do a blog on the Next Food Network Star -- although the show is entertaining no matter how melodramatic and pathetic the contestants are.

I'm going to be frank -- with the two or three people who unwittingly visit this blog-- I haven't been watching much television this summer. True, Swingtown was supposed to be the highlight of my summer, but I haven't watched an episode. What has happened? Where have my television energies gone? I think they were sucked up my MSNBC and maybe by a little CNN every once in a blue moon.

I solemnly promise to be back in the television game by the fall, and if I can't get back into the swing of things, then something has gone terribly awry. Please tell Kieth Olbermann to let me out of the bubble they call cable news -- I'd really like my primetime network back.

Tvhapster and Tvhipster, please wish me luck.

Oh yeah, and leave us some comments. We would like to know how much this blog has brigtened your stellar, rosy red day.

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