Monday, November 19, 2007

Pulling Me In

Pushing Daisies. The show has been pushing me out just a little recently, but by the end of each episode, it never fails to pull me back in, wanting more. The end of the last episode with the Piemaker and Chuck in separate beds made me swoon... he says that she is who he wants and loves. At the same time, I am feeling resistance from Chuck, so it put me off a little. I hope that they can last, but I fear that Chuck wants more. Poor Piemaker may get his heart broken.

Ever since the first episode, I have said that I think there's going to be some contingency--some way that they will be able to touch, perhaps with the lapse of time. In the beginning of this episode Chuck trips and touches him; they proceed to kiss. I was so happy, but of course it was but a dream! At least we got to see them touch, even if it wasn't real.

Here's what throws me off: they are in Gilmore land! The church, the houses, my beloved gazebo! While I am glad that Gilmore universe has been given to such a great show, it weirds me out to see the Pushing cast where I have spent so much time and held so many great memories...and in takes out some of the fantasy element for me.

Question: When do YOU think Chuck and the Piemaker will touch for real? How will it happen? What will be the results? Do share...

2 Responses:

Anonymous said...

You know what's wrong with the show...

They started the show with a guy, who found his true love ,and now he can't possibly have her. How the hell are you supposed to keep milking this? It's gotta end sometime. So we all know there is a breakup on the horizon.

Look at the O.C. Totally different show, but same idea. You have Seth and Summer, totally meant to be with each other, but their relationship doesn't happen right out of the gate. It takes awhile, and once it happened, they kept trying to pull them apart.

So what does this mean for Pushing Daisies? They are going to get pissed at each other over something, and voila they are going to go through some turmoil, some troubles, because nobody likes watching happy go lucky couples for too long.

blairblair said...

Well exactly, hops. But is it true that nobody likes watching happy go lucky couples for too long?

Writers can't seem to write happy couples successfully. Let's take my favorite example: Luke and Lorelai. They teased us with them for 4 full seasons before finally putting them together. Once they were together, they found the worst, most contrived ways to pull them apart. Case in point: a long lost daughter? Come on....

I truly believe that couples CAN be written happy go lucky and still be entertaining. Writers just THINK it can't be done and consequently they tear them apart to keep it from getting too boring.

I'm ready for something new....