Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grey Issues on Grey's

Is it even necessary for me to state that Grey's Anatomy has been such a letdown this season or is that common knowledge?

I’ve finally realized what’s missing in the appeal-factor for me: a compelling love story. I’m tired of what has been offered thus far. The MerDer drama? Alex and his bevy of women? So old, so boring…so typical!
Why must everyone in the hospital sleep with one another? George and Izzie---pretty much repulsing to watch. This little Lexie is trying to bring her own drama and might have something going with the Seth Green patient character. Hmm… intern with a patient. My my, where have we seen that before?
Last season they had something great going with Alex and Addison. At least that was interesting and intriguing for viewers. It was fresh and brought up room for growth in both characters. Alas, Addison got shipped off to sunny Cali, therefore stabbing the last bit of life left in that story's potential.

Another Grey’s disappointment: Nazi boy. One of the things I found so lovely and compelling about Grey’s was how race was never an issue. For once since The Cosby Show, it was not discussed or even acknowledged on the show. Race was a grey area, if you will. People related to one another based on human emotion- not based upon the color of their skin. While I’m sure Shonda had good intentions with this story, it let me down because it fed into the separation/race issues, something I thought the show strived to avoid. Maybe it was necessary to bring awareness to viewers who are guilty of their own prejudices, but at the same time I was hoping that the show’s viewers were beyond this. Perhaps I’m being a bit too idealistic or naive here to assume that viewers are more intelligent than writers often give them credit for. Or maybe the show was simply running out of ideas and they felt the need and pressure to bring the race card up. I guess I shouldn’t judge until I see how the story is wrapped up in the second half of his two parter… have an hour to prove your story to me, Shonda.

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

Anonymous said...

You write very well.