Jim and Pam. The new Luke and Lorelai. I am adoring their storyline and love this season on The Office. So subtle, so unique, so pure. I hope the writers don't tear them apart...that would rip my heart out for sure.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hello Everyone!
TVHapster here! I am pleased to welcome myself to the Vision of TeleVision! I'm sure you will all adore my unique opinions about television. Enjoy!
TVHapster Sunday, October 21, 2007 Comments (2 )
Saturday, October 20, 2007
10 Items or Less. Much less
I was on the set of Ten Items or Less tonight. I didn't stay very long because I already had a long day, and the shoot was/is going till 7am. It's their last night of shooting! Very nice, down-to-earth people, it was a pleasant atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere, there were a couple of background artists. I wish I liked the show more, it would have been a lot more entertaining to watch.
I also witnessed the improvisational process. It's not all its cracked up to be, well at least on this set. If you enjoy the show, you think it's funny or whatever, then you will enjoy knowing that everyone I saw seemed gracious, friendly and they knew how to make due with the low budge. They shoot in a grocery store that doesn't even shut down -- they just keep it running and try to keep some of the customers out of the shots.
TVHopster Saturday, October 20, 2007 Comments (0 )
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Samantha Who?
The Girl that wrote Samantha Who?, totally has the same sensibilities as me. It was amazingly funny, bright, comical...etc. The only thing that sucks, some of my ideas were kind of used , but that's alright. It's just great to know that some of my stuff is actually television worthy. I'll take it as a compliment.
I really hope that show does well -- it's so much different than the normal, routine comedies. It moves at this weird frenetic pace, that one doesn't normally see on television. It kind of reminds me a of 90s show for some reason, but with a modern twist. The dialog was great -- if you listen, you can really read between the lines. So much care and finesse went into the dialog that it really shows.
Pushing Daisies was also top notch, not as funny as last week, but still pretty top notch. My only beef was the fact that they explain story lines after the fact. The narration is great, but sometimes everything ties up in too pretty of a bow.
TVHopster Thursday, October 18, 2007 1 comments